In this game you're the Devil and have to prevent a human from geting home.

While on it's way home, the human has to jump over thiefs and trashcans and has to avoid geting run over by a car. You're job as the Devil is to stop him from sucsessfully geting home.

This is done by pushing the trashcans arround or spwaning them in. You're also able to manipulate the human for a random amount of time between 1-3 seconds. After that you'll have a cooldown for 7 seconds.

You can push trashcans in the player to slow him down. The thiefs also slow him down. The gray moving boxes are cars.

You win when the human gets run over by a car or jumps over the apartment door at the end. You lose if the human reaches the apartment door safely.


Trashcan: 10

Thief: 50

Car: 150


A/D - move left/right

Space - jump

Q - manipulate human

E - spawn trashcan

Shift (while running against a trashcan) - grab trashcan

I recommend playing it in fullscreen.


1: Complete all levels with 0 Points (This one I know is possible)

2: Try stacking the to the top with the trashcans (This one I don't know if it'is possible)

You could also just try stacking a bunch of trashcans and see how far you come. (Level 3 is the best level for that)


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